Monday, 9 November 2009

God of Agony

OK - a break from goddesses - here's a god. I've been feeling all sleepy tonight and lying in bed watching "Buffy" Season 8 again and I thought, why not draw in bed while I watch? So I've been working on this latest version of the wolf-god of agony and torment... one of Atash's daddies... he has a more wolfish form as well, pretty much like this but with a proper wolf's head... I was thinking of giving him bat-wings too but with the arm-spikes as well I think that might distract from his wolfiness...


the sebaceous funk said...

oooh, I love the furry hands, well, the furry everything is hot. The veins too. I'm not sure he needs wings he has that tail.

Nathan Kibler said...

Woofy! What is there not to like?

I'm curious what the harness you sketched on him will look like.